"...Inhabited by furious riffs, a heavy and powerful square rhythm,
delivering texts in French and English, "Bloom", the band's first EP,
reveals an energy from music possessed by the band, despite the small
means of production.
Basically, Head Up is the encounter in 1996 of 4 friends, then aged 16,
all gathered by the desire to propose their music.
After a few years of composition and concert, the band separated from
its bassist and drummer in 2005 after recording their first demo "Norke";
it was the meeting with K-Lu (bassist) and Juan (drummer), former
musicians of "L.A.R.M.", group of the Albenassian region.
With a professional musical background and stage and studio experience,
the two musicians join Kriss (guitarist) and Neiss (vocals) who are
motivated to bring Head Up to the top.
An undeniable energy emanates from their set, it wants and the public
is there, receptive and surprised.
Taking over existing Head Up songs by reshaping them, and composing
new songs, the band recorded their first EP with this band in the
spring of 2006 and in June it's the release.
Bloom (self-produced) is already a success of a genre both
inspired by existing and new by its approach..."
Head Up - Bloom (2006)
01 Choose For Me
02 Déglingué
03 Montrez Moi
04 Arid
05 Break Me
07 Sick Man
08 Hidden Track
Link: Yandex