(СКИМЕН) Skeemen (2005) --> NuMetal / Christian / Belarus


The musical material of group includes elements of styles,
such as hard core, rap core, nu metal with bright show on a stage.
The basic qualities of performance of a command are power,
an emotional message of creativity of a command to the spectator.

Skeemen - Serdze Lva (2005)

[#01] Skimen
[#02] Chistiy vozduh
[#03] Insert 1
[#04] Darvin mertv ----> Listen MP3
[#05] Insert 2
[#06] Est ili net
[#07] Ruki druga
[#08] Insert 3
[#09] Kto ti?
[#10] Insert 4
[#11] Zachem
[#12] Insert 5
[#13] Cherni Sneg
[#14] Insert 6
[#15] Terakt
[#16] Insert 7
[#17] Golgofa
[#18] City outro
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3 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

who's blog is this? Anyone from the actual band? :-)

frederico disse...

tem muita coisa boa nesse blog, mas o excesso de nu-metal generico de crente ta osso, hein! Seu Deus nao iria aprovar isso.

Anônimo disse...

comentario infeliz esse seu hein frederico, acorda pra vida mano

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