Japan Bee (2012) --> RapMetal / NuMetal / Spain

"...The initial group took shape in mid 2010, bassist changes made ​​repeatedly slowing
 the growth of the band. Finally, in 2012 the band is firmly established and confirmed
  with the recording of the EP of 4 songs, recorded and mixed in March 2012 by its members
  in the study of Sala8 in Malaga (Spain) city where they are.
.The project of the band is very clear, mix with nu-metal rap very heavy and good
the purest nu-metal with an impressive rap.
A good part of the study sound achieved by ourselves, very faithful to the sound 
we project live.
We have a very lively staging and spectacular..."



Japan Bee - Japan Bee EP (2012)


01- Sigo al mando
02- Nada Cambia
03- Asesinos
04- En la linea de Fuego

Link: Rghost

Proyecto Éskhata (2012) --> RapMeta / Spain

"...'Decadencia' is the work of presenting 'Eskhata Project', the solo project 
 of Samuel Barranco (Regma, Aitor, Gecko Players, ex-Siroco), 
 with many collaborations. It is an experimental, fusing the styles mainly 
 Metal, Rap, and electronics with other dyes. It is a completely independent 
 work with Creative Commons license, made ​​of 100% in Gecko Productions, 
 without giving any explanations to anyone, and no attachment to anything..."


Proyecto Éskhata- Decadencia (2012)


1. Génesis/Éxodo
2. Furia de ángeles (con Ekaton-B)
3. Vorágine imperial (con Pachu)
4. La teoría estelar
5. El Ministerio de la Verdad
6. El ejército del Núcleo
7. Víctima de su aparición (con Shot)
8. La decadencia del arte
9. Seres vivos (con Aitor)
10. La agonía del Dios muerto (con Wiltmet)
11. Oda al Gecko
12. Hipersomnia crónica  -----> Listen

Link: MediaFire

Tnx to Samuel Barranco for share link

Magister Ninja--> RapCore / Rap / Rock / Poland


Magister Ninja - Raport Kryzysowy (2012)


01  - Granice
02  - Snil mi sie rodzinny dom
03  - Wena, dlugopis, papier
04  - Ostatni autobus
05  - Zly dzien
06  - Nienawidze cie
07  - Jarz Jones
08  - Na sofcie
09  - Niewypowiedziane
10  - Swiat na glowie mam
11  - Ile jeszcze czasu
12  - Strzelaj
13  - Kolysanka
14  - Doba konczy sie
15  - Czarno-biale
16  - Deszcz
17  - Eloszka

Link: HotFile


Mr. Cräbs --> Crossover / Rapcore / Alt. Metal / Germany

"...We are Mr. Cräbs, a 90ies Crossover, Rapcore, Alternative Metal,
 whatever-you-may-call-us band from Dresden, Germany.
 Think of downset, combined with some mosh and some craziness..."

Mr. Crabs - Be Your Own Phoenix (2011)


1. Metamorphosis
2. Some Lotion 4 Commotion
3. A Throw Of (Para)Dice


Link: Rghost

Austin Deathtrip --> HC / Groove Metal / Modern / Germany

"...I will not get pimples every time when bands in boundless hubris of big names
 adorn the style description. The Austin Deathtrip however mention that they
 find Sepultura, Pantera, Misery Index and Chimaira well counter, the same with 
his own style called "Texas Style Metal" and remind me spontaneously to a groovier
 version of the British louts of The Rotted. This 4-track demo EP is taken off 
accordingly following: Neat Muckis, crunchy riffs with little frills, angry vocals
 and (technical) mainly NO Stümpertum. The groovy "A Hypocrite's Manifesto",
 "Cain" (where Sepultura influences revealing flashes perhaps best compared) and
 "Terence Hills Have Ice" (deadly serious so everyone can ...) should live 
absolutely cause many a pit..."

Austin Deathtrip - Texas Bulldozer (2012)


 1. A Hypocrite's Manifest 03:04
 2. Cain 03:34
 3. Butt Spanker 02:53
 4. Terence Hills Have Ice 04:16


Link: RapidShare

A Few Memories RMX

A Few Memories - Crazy Remix

tnx to Legna (vocal of AFM) for share this song on Facebook

Jules Rules --> RapCore / NuMetal / Spain (4 L.Bizkit fans)

JulesRules is the solo musical project of Jules, the late bassist nu-metal group Estilo Directo. 
The compositions are influenced by the roots of Nu-metal, old school rap and electronic touches. Today is writing songs for his first solo work.

Jules Rules - Jules Rules ( ex- Estilo Directo [R.I.P] )


01 - Adicto -----> Listen
02- Mi Destino
03- Origenes
04 - Por Que

Link: rGhost

Exotype (New Song)

The official new single "Ghost" taken from the 'Emerge' EP

Sobieht (2012) --> NuMetal Political Spain

Sobieht - Azken Berba Esatear Dago (2012)


01 Zelatan
02 Sistema vs Dignidad
03 Hitz Korapilatuak
04 Esnatu
05 Vietcong
06 Iruzurra
07 Atado y Bien Atado
08 Inpernutik Inpernura
09 Gure Bidea
10 837
11 Sinistu
12 Yuri  instrumentala

Link: MediaFire

tnx to band for share link
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