Malkeda –> NuMetal / Spain


Checho (voz y locuras)
Guille (Guitarra y coros)
Juan-L (Bajo y coros)
Isidro (Guitarra)
Rulo (Bateria y Samplers)

"...Malkeda born in 2002, with the intention of creating
a current musical piece of news in Pontevedra,
a musical personal and unclassifiable style.
An unsatisfied rock fruit of the circumstances of the
life as they they have gone so far as to call in some
occasions " the sound of the death ".
A miscellany of influences and of previous experiences
they will give life to Malkeda, one without end of performances,
a mock-up in 2003 (eterna condena), a single in 2006 (supremos),
and a disc in 2007 (momentos impuntuales)..."




Malkeda - Momentos Impuntuales (2007)


01. Bastardo
02. Addeck Law
03. Supremos
04. Moco
05. Julia
06. Eterna Condena
07. La Muerte Aguarda
08. Dejame Ir
09. Malkeda
10. Intimidad
11. Muerte Y Ressurrecion
12. La LLave
13. Over

Link: Mega

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